Would you like to make a difference in Africa? - Richmond - Other services, Richmond - 625539


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Would you like to make a difference in Africa? - Other services

Ref. number: 625539 Updated: 21-05-2011 03:12

Offering: Other services in Australia, Richmond

While you are enjoying a candy… a young girl is being sexually abused in Africa, another person is being stigmatized because she tested HIV positive. An orphan is being raped in some parts of the world. It might be easy to ignore these facts to turn away or even to do nothing. But being inactive, does it make you innocent in relation to these situations? We are building a strong team of volunteers who are willing to make a change, to make the world a better place for everyone. All around the world, people are taking a stand in healing the world, caring for each other and fighting together with the poor. We hope you will join us and commit your action, ideas and time to this fight. The time is now and the power is you. Yunnan institute of development will empower you to make healthy decisions and allow you to be the positive change your community desperately needs. Upon graduation you will go to Africa for 6 challenging months filled with many experiences. You will build friendship across cultures. We bet you will never regret your decision. contact:bnyandebvu@gmail.com mm .

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Contact information
First name: babra
Last name: nyandebvu
Phone number: 008615008877550
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